NMBA tried something new at the November virtual luncheon meeting--Speed Networking Sessions! We noticed that it is challenging to have meaningful conversations and connections online in our group luncheon meetings, and so at the November meeting we tried out randomly assigning present members to small groups of four or less where they were able to chat and network for around 10 minutes and then rejoin the main meeting. After 1 0r 2 sessions with four members, we had a few 15 minute rounds with only 2 people in each group. Members had a wonderful time connecting with others in the group who they may be old friends with, or even meeting for the first time! It was a great exercise and we plan to continue to incorporate a few speed sessions into many of our virtual luncheon meetings going forward. If you plan on joining the luncheon meeting, please be sure to RSVP HERE beforehand.
Topics such as New Spain’s ivory trade with Manila, miniature painting, silversmithing in Latin America, and bas-relief carving in indigenous media yield new information. With 200 color photographs, many of them not previously published, this elegant 176-page book, printed in Italy, is the result of 40 years of research, correspondence, interviews, travel, and writing. A glossary, an index, and an extensive bibliography accompany the text. Fresco Books of Albuquerque published Relicarios in September 2020. This handsome book is now available from Pachamama, 4829 Corrales Road in the Casa Perea Art Space, tel. 505-503-7636, or from the bookseller of your choice.
On October 9 the new board members met and voted for new officer positions. We are deeply grateful for the service of our departing members, including former president, Jared Gann, Vice President Sandi Wright, and Secretary Hal Malchow.
NMBA welcomes three new faces to the board! We are excited about their ideas to better serve the NMBA Membership. First, we welcome Jordan Jones as the new NMBA President, Miguel De La Cruz as Vice President, and Connie Nelson as Secretary/Historian. Long-time member Paula Lozar retains her role as Treasurer, and Richard Polese and David Freobel remain as members at large. The annual gala is something that NMBA members look forward to--getting dressed up each year and catching up with their fellow members--but this year we had to think of new ways we could safely host the event. In hopes of obtaining some sense of normalcy, we decided to continue the event but with a twist: it would be held virtually. Despite the obstacles, the gala was a success! We had members from all across the country, many of whom had never been able to attend the annual gala before because of the physical distance. In total, we had around 50 members log onto the virtual meeting and vote for board members.
Along with membership voting, the main attraction of the gala was the announcement of the winners of this year’s Southwest Book Design and Production Awards. Jared Gann and Sandi Wright put together a presentation that featured the winners and images of their books that played as they announced the winners. They also created lovely certificates for all winners and finalists that were mailed out after the announcement. It was a great turnout and it was nice to see everyone, even if it was virtually! This year, PEN America will merge their annual New York Literary Gala and Los Angeles LitFest Gala into one national, virtual celebration on Tuesday, December 8. Join them for a unique, one-night-only event and celebrate the power of words. Additional honorees and special guests will be announced soon. You can register for the gala, here.
PubWest Book Design Awards recognize superior design and outstanding production quality of books throughout North America. As they celebrate their 43rd annual awards, PubWest invites you to submit your 2019 and 2020 titles. Books must be published from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2020, to be eligible. There are a variety of categories that can be entered. Click here for a list of eligibility requirements and a submission form. Submission deadline is December 31, 2020.
NMBA News, Opinion, and Articles are powered by members. To submit, please email your materials to [email protected] Archives
January 2025