2024 NMBA Author Displays
Our Exhibit Space is Full!
If you still need to pay, you can use the Step 1 form to the right. Exhibit your books! Once again, the New Mexico Book Association has the opportunity to display our members’ books at the New Mexico Writers Dinner on April 25, and at a catered breakfast reception for the Santa Fe International Literary Festival on May 18. This is a display opportunity, not a sales event, and the books displayed at these events will be donated afterwards. But last year’s displays garnered much favorable attention from both groups (which resulted in some sales), so we are delighted to be able to offer this opportunity again. Note that the number of titles on display is limited, so register promptly! Here's How
This year we are referring anyone interested in purchasing your books to our online catalog. If the sell sheet for your title(s) is not in our online catalog, or if it is but there are changes, please either upload the PDF using the form below or email the new or revised sell sheet to Jordan Jones at [email protected]. |
Step 1: Payment
Important Notes: